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First Things First First Things First

Test Page

This is a text content block

Page Title – Oswald sentence case, 40 px 

Page Subtitle – Oswald sentence case, 32 px French blue (#0072bc)

Heading One – Open Sans Bold Title Case, 24 px (may be French Blue if followed immediately by an H2)

Heading Two – Open Sans Bold Title Case, 20 px

Heading Three – Open sans bold caps, 20 px

Paragraph – Open Sans normal, 18px

Checklist HTML

  • 1,485 Children monitored to receive appropriate screenings to detect vision, hearing and developmental issues to prevent learning challenges later on.

  • 473 Children received fluoride varnishes applied to protect against childhood tooth decay.

Resources Box

Resources Content

  • Resource one
  • Resource two
  • Resource three

File List Title

File List Content – follows with a list of hyperlinks to other pages or attachments. (two columns)

You might be interested in: (related post callout card - only FTF URL)
Early Childhood Brain Development

Brain Development

90% of Brain Growth Happens Before KindergartenDid you know that by age 5, a child’s brain is 90% developed? The early years are a critical window of…

Card Group

Adds a card and caption area that can be linked to any URL on or off the FTF website. (can add multiple cards and it will place them in two columns like seen on the publications page)

read more

This is callout text – ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Directory cards

This can be used to list contact information

Person or company name

Title or subtitle

phone number

Regions list

This includes hyperlinks of every region like seen on the Find Your Region page


This is the regional info block (have to include an image on the left)

A woman in black t-shirt is handing a bag of produce to another woman.

Hero image text title

Hero image text (an image must be included at the top) The map icon doesn’t have to be included but you’re left with whitespace if it’s not. This might be good when we’re highlighting regional info. The call to action box below should be included otherwise you’re left with extra gray space. You can also include a hyperlink within this text.

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