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First Things First First Things First

Businesses Can Take Action

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Our mission is early childhood. And it’s more important than ever.

First Things First is Arizona’s early childhood agency. By focusing on the early years — when the brain grows more than any other time in life — we help more of Arizona’s youngest children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Over the last 3 years, Arizona’s struggling child care industry has been supported by $1.3B in emergency federal pandemic relief funding. But that funding is ending and more child care providers may be forced to close their doors.

Child care is not just a family issue – it’s a statewide economic issue. 

A strong Arizona economy needs a well-educated and skilled workforce. Investing in quality early care and education is the best opportunity to ensure a solid foundation is set from the start. Research shows that children in quality early education programs do better in school and are more likely to graduate from high school. They also tend to be more productive members of society. We share a responsibility to ensure a brighter future for our children and communities.

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Join AZ businesses, community leaders, parents and concerned citizens. 

First Things First is making a difference, but we can’t do it alone. Across the state, early childhood champions lend their energy and effort to help spread the word about the importance of early childhood in their local communities. You can, too. Here are just a few early childhood champions who are making a positive impact for Arizona’s young children and families:

Discover How Your Business Can Support Working Families

Stand up for early childhood. 

We need everyone to show their support for early childhood in Arizona. Sign up for our newsletters. Follow us and share our content on social media. Invite First Things First to present to your group. Or learn to effectively use your own voice to highlight the importance of early childhood in your community.

Connect with FTF Community Engagement

Invite First Things First to present to your group about the importance of the early years and why early childhood matters to everyone. Or attend a training to learn simple ways to share information about early childhood and First Things First. Fill out the form or connect with us at

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Learn More About FTF and Why Early Childhood Matters

The early years are critical for a child’s healthy development, and investing in quality early childhood programs benefits kids, families, communities and our state. Learn more and share:

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Child Care In the News

Decades of research studies demonstrate that children with access to quality early childhood development and health opportunities are more prepared for kindergarten, do better in school and are more likely to graduate from high school. They also tend to be healthier and more productive members of society.

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