Kathy Alsop has been selected as the 2022 First Things First Southeast Maricopa Region Champion for Young Children.
The award is given to local champions who actively volunteer their time to raise public awareness of the importance of early childhood development and health.
Alsop is a strong advocate and ardent volunteer for early childhood awareness and sharing the importance of early childhood with families in the community. She is the founder and president of the MOMS Club Gilbert North – a local chapter of the International MOMS Club. After moving to Gilbert, she quickly connected with the FTF Southeast Maricopa Region and started the MOMS Club Gilbert North chapter because of her passion to support young children and their families.
She enthusiastically volunteers her time to educate and empower parents and caregivers to feel confident in their important role as their child’s first teacher. She’s always willing to share FTF educational materials paired with early childhood messages when supporting parents at her MOMS Club open houses and events. She also distributes family guides so that parents and caregivers know about free programs available for families with young children. She even keeps FTF materials in her trunk and shares the resources throughout the community.
Alsop helps organize her MOMS Club monthly service projects. One project supported NICU families at Banner Children’s at Desert in Mesa. The club donated 70 welcome bags that included FTF-sponsored children’s books and bookmarks with information about the rapid brain growth a child experiences from birth to age 5.
She regularly shares FTF digital content on the MOMS Club Gilbert North Facebook page to connect parents with resources and support.
We recently caught up with Alsop.
QUESTION: Why did you choose to show your support for young children and families?
ANSWER: I choose to support young children and families because we as a community must take care of our future generations. I firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. With the support and programs offered through First Things First, our families can find comfort in knowing our questions have answers and there is help when we need it. First Things First gives families the tools and knowledge to raise young children, and my mission is to make every family aware of those opportunities.
QUESTION: What is motivating you to support babies, toddlers and preschoolers directly or indirectly?
ANSWER: I’m motivated to support early childhood because I am a mother of young children. When my first son turned 2, I learned about First Things First, and early experiences shape how successful children are later in life. First Things First gave me confidence that our state cares about future generations. As I became aware of the programs and resources offered, I wanted to spread the word. I will continue to advocate for our young children and promote awareness about FTF.