First Things First is Arizona’s early childhood agency, but everyone has a role to play in supporting the healthy development and learning of our youngest children.
If you or someone you know is interested in getting more involved, an easy first step is to visit FirstThingsFirst.org/take-action.
Champions for early childhood
Across the state, citizens from all walks of life volunteer their time and passion to help spread the word about the importance of early childhood in their local communities. These champions for early childhood find opportunities to speak to church or service groups or to provide local families with early childhood information and resources.
Some organize and attend community events, while others conduct outreach to community leaders and policymakers. In collaboration with FTF, they lend their energy to help build grassroots support for prioritizing the needs of young children and families in their Arizona communities.
Ways to take action
The page also offers a menu of easy ways to connect with FTF and join the cause for early childhood. You can sign up for our mailing list, follow us on social media and find helpful resources to learn more about FTF and show your support for early childhood.
FTF’s community engagement team works in regions across the state and can help you find ways to use your voice on behalf of young children and families in your area. Email us at community@FirstThingsFirst.org and one of our community engagement coordinators will get back to you to see how we can work together.
If you know someone who might be interested in learning more about early childhood and FTF, please share the link to our Take Action page. And if you’re already a champion, thank you!